Brand Strategy

Developing and Strengthing Brands | A brand is the cumulative value of every experience customers have with your products, services, or company. That’s why Howerton+White is committed to a comprehensive approach to marketing. Successful branding requires identifying your organization’s most fundamental values, creating a consistent and compelling brand personality, mapping your consumer’s journey, and understanding industry trends and competitive landscapes. Whether you’re a new brand seeking awareness, or a well-established company who needs to differentiate from competitors, Howerton+White delivers strategies and creative solutions for you.

Marketing Strategy

  • Business Consulting & Analysis
  • Corporate Communications
  • Industry & Product Research
  • Consumer Research
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Content Marketing Plans
  • Campaign & Market Testing
  • Communication Audits
  • Communication Assessments
  • Industry & Market Positioning
  • Platform Channel Reviews
  • Target Audience Personas
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Marketing Plans
  • Workshops & Training

Brand Voice

  • Core Values
  • Brand Personality & Archetype
  • Positioning Strategy
  • Value Propositions
  • Brand Content & Creation
  • Naming Conventions
  • Brand Voice Guides
  • Thought Leadership Features
  • Subject Matter Expert Articles
  • Social Media Posts & Content
  • Website Copy & Blogs
  • Streaming & Broadcast Scripts
  • Taglines / Brand Promises

Design Strategy

  • Design Audits & Reviews
  • Industry & Trend Research
  • Creative Concepts & Designs
  • Logo Development
  • Brand Identity Guidlines
  • Experiential Design
  • Wayfinding Signage
  • Environmental Signage
  • Visual Brand Guides
  • Corporate & Sales Collateral
  • Multi-platform Video Development
  • Digital, Social & Owned Assets
  • Photography & Art Direction
  • Events & Tradeshows

H+W Case Study: Better Brand Care

ComfortCare Homes, a leader in dementia and Alzheimer’s care, needed to connect with new generations searching for high-quality care for family members. Howerton+White’s design, message strategy, and media campaigns produced greater-than-expected numbers of quality leads.

H+W Work: Crafting a Rebrand

This brand’s hometown nickname of “Salt City” inspired a logo redesign, sales and marketing materials, bar tap handles, glassware, apparel, product labels — resulting in wider distribution success. Take a quick look at our work for Salt City Brewing and discover the “Elements of Great Taste.

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