Koch Engineered Solutions

Capturing Innovation


Connect with new partners in the field of carbon capture by developing a collaborative narrative informing audiences of the unique expertise, products, and services offered by a total solutions provider seeking to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships.


Outline and implement a targeted ABM campaign, anchored by a microsite optimized to inform prospects of the company’s extensive turnkey carbon capture solutions while driving interest and lead generation.


Targeted Strategy for a Total Solutions Provider

Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) is a dynamic business network that offers seamless solutions to industries, including petrochemicals, oil & gas, power, refining, hydrogen, and renewable fuels. KES came to Howerton+White seeking strategies to connect with customers in the carbon capture market and differentiate themselves as a total solutions provider. 

To support Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) in establishing a strong presence in the carbon capture market, we developed a data-driven strategy built upon a comprehensive research process, including detailed interviews and competitor analysis. We employed Account-Based Marketing (ABM) techniques to focus on high-potential leads within the carbon capture industry, creating personalized engagement plans for each identified persona. Our team developed foundational brand guidelines for written and visual content, ensuring consistency and effectiveness across teams and identified channels.


A Deep Dive into Carbon Capture

To articulate KES’s carbon capture capabilities, we developed a deep understanding of the backgrounds, service capabilities, and product offerings of the major companies within KES: Koch-Glitsch, Koch Separation Solutions, Koch Specialty Plant Services, Optimized Process Designs, LLC, and Koch Project Solutions. Interviews with key KES stakeholders, extensive industry research, and thorough competitor analysis enabled us to produce precise and informative content explaining KES’s carbon capture offering and differentiating KES from major competitors.

Combining insights gained from competitor and industry research with internal data supplied by the KES team, allowed us to craft highly specific customer personas. These personas guided us in developing messaging that would convey high levels of industry expertise tailored to reach key audience subsets.


Speaking the Right Language

Foundational brand language for the campaign focused on highlighting key differentiating factors defining KES, such as its unique business approach, partnership model, cost and time efficiencies, technological advantages, and broad capabilities offering. This ensured all marketing materials clearly conveyed the value of KES’s association with Koch Industries while positioning KES as a distinct and independent solutions provider.

A key differentiating factor of KES is its commitment to developing ongoing customer relationships and serving as a complete solutions partner. This partnership approach is a key differentiating factor for KES and an integral part of its business strategy and value proposition. We expressed this by using a conversational tone and phrases such as “Your Carbon Solutions Partner.” 

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Envisioning Solutions that Stand Out

Working closely with our  KES partners to ensure brand alignment, we developed guidelines for the KES carbon capture offering. These guidelines laid the foundation necessary to develop an effective and engaging visual identity for the microsite, paid and organic media, and sales support. 

“Howerton+White created language, visuals, and strategy to help KES present themselves as a viable partner in a solution for carbon capture,” said Craig Tomson, Creative Director at Howerton+White. “We began by working together with the KES team to develop versatile messaging guidelines and engaging campaign language. Building upon this foundation, we cultivated a strong, well-aligned strategy for visual expression. This led to the creation of an expanded visual library including new iconography and photography to help differentiate the carbon capture offering.”


Capture, Engage, Convert

For the carbon capture campaign, the decision to develop a microsite, instead of a landing page on the existing Koch Engineered Solutions website, was driven by the strategic importance of creating a dedicated platform for education, engagement, and conversion. Unlike a landing page, a microsite provides an immersive exploration of KES’s comprehensive carbon capture solutions. Specifically designed to engage a targeted audience, it facilitates deeper interaction with the unique capabilities and expert insights that help differentiate KES in the competitive carbon capture market.

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Charting User Journeys

KES builds long-lasting partnerships with customers and is invested in cultivating deep and meaningful relationships. To encourage web visitors to connect with KES, we built multiple pathways for connection within the microsite by optimizing SEO for organic web search, incorporating integration with LinkedIn, and encouraging authentic personal connection.

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Driving Traffic through Targeted Advertising

After the user journeys and personas were established, print and digital ads were developed, ensuring the messaging resonated with each target audience.

Extensive keyword research also informed the creative development process, underpinning our SEO efforts throughout the campaign. This integration supported our performance benchmarks while helping to resonate and align with our audiences and their searches.